Please read the following information:
You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by:
Dr. Brenda Caldwell Phillips
Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Boston University
64 Cummington Mall
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: 617-358-0654
The purpose of the study is to assess women's perceptions of cancer and well-being. Women, 18 years or older, who have been diagnosed with cancer in the past five years are invited to participate. Participants must also reside in the United States and be able to read and write in English.
As a participant, you will be asked questions about your cancer experiences and self-care practices. There are no right or wrong answers to any of the items on this survey. Therefore, let your own experiences determine how you answer the questions. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. We ask that you complete all sections of the survey.
Your participation is completely voluntary. You may decline to answer any question and you have the right to withdraw from participation at any time without penalty (simply exit the survey). You are free to contact the primary investigator at the address, phone number, or email address listed above to discuss any questions and/or withdraw from the study.
Risks to participants are considered minimal. There are no costs for participating. There are no direct benefits from participating, although you may enjoy sharing information about yourself.
Please note that your answers are anonymous. However, you may elect to participate in a short follow-up phone interview if interested. If you elect to complete the interview, you will be asked to provide your first name and phone number. In addition, all participants (including those who do not complete the interview) may elect to enter a $100 lottery drawing at the end of the survey by entering an email address. If you decide to participate in interview and/or the lottery drawing, your survey answers will not be linked with your phone number or email address. In addition, only the principal investigator, Dr. Phillips, and her research assistants will have access to your survey answers. All data will be password-protected via the BU Qualtrics website.
This study has been reviewed and approved by Boston University’s Institutional Review Board. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, or are dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of this study, you may contact - anonymously, if you wish - the Institutional Review Board by phone at 617-358-6115 or email at
IRB Approval Number: 4829X
Statement of Consent
I have read the information in this consent form including risks and possible benefits. I have been given the chance to ask questions. If I had any questions, I contacted the principal investigator and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.